Starting over….again🤯

I started my first brand in 2016, the idea had been in the oven since 2012, 365 Black thanks for the 28 days though, and again in 2014, 365 Black Not 28 days, then again in 2016, but this time with more confidence and assurance, 365 Black Fxck 28 Days…

I ran this Brand from 2016 up until 2019, and I had my very first rebrand at the end of 2019, 365 co, same as previous brand just with cleaner designs and more word play, we were an up-cycled, non binary clothing company, shifting the focus in style, fashion and trends. At the time I didn’t see too many clothing brands that merged the sociopolitical issues that we were facing with their brands mission.

So my mission was clear, we want to see more people concerned about the state of our society, and clothing was the vehicle to drive that message. I rebranded again in 2021/2022ish, this time the brand was 1985 Label, similar stance, but more spiritually grounded. I ran these brands back to back, no breaks in between, so that’s just about 6 years of branding, marketing, photography, videos, events, painting, and just being completely immersed in the creative process.

We fast forward to today, I’ve taken about 1 and a half years off of being immersed in the creative process of running a brand, I’ve stepped back and realized I have so much more to offer. I began getting more serious about sustainability, another mission for my previous brands, this time I was more tapped into sustainability outside of just clothing, but more a sustainable life and what that would look like. It began to look like being able to create more of the things that I use everyday, like soap, toothpaste, milk, face and hair products, and moving into products that I can implement into my life to sustain a healthier lifestyle. This led me to experimenting with herbs, so I started with lots of research and trial and error of creating tinctures, herbal blends, and a bunch of teas. I’ve played around with different recipes until I felt confident enough to keep the recipes and reuse them.

I felt like I’ve worn many hats when it comes to running a brand, as I mentioned earlier, I was in charge of the full show, well myself being the captain, and my partner being my right hand, which was cool because I learned a lot, but in reality a full team is my goal. I’m enjoying being back into this creative mode and using my skills that I’ve developed in the past to fully push my new baby, EVERYTHING 480! It’s been quite the journey, but Im grateful that I have a solid vision for what I want for this Brand. I want to incorporate myself in its fullness into this space, has it been challenging? Yes. I haven’t been tapped into the outside artsy world in almost 2 years, I’ve just been introspectively focused on my own mystery and finding ways incorporate all that I’ve been practicing into this new body of work.

My new body of work looks like, workshops, as well as being a guide for anyone who is interested in running a creative brand, curate events, oh and of course the clothing. I’ve been developing my skills on the sewing machine and some new print techniques that will help the brand stand out.

Starting over has been a challenge, but it’s not one that I am not equipped for. I’m taking things slowly right now, as I am in the building stage, I have to align with my audience, which has been happening naturally. My goal is to first connect with people in person, and then we grow from that point, social media is third as my website will be my second means for connecting. I am just excited to still have the joy and appreciation I have for this work, and adding new features that’ll help people is crucial in anything that I do, I am a life path 7, so everything that I do is purposeful.