If someone were to ask me, how do you identify? I would respond with; I identify as Mother Father. I never really resonated with other ways to show up in this world, my desire to define every part of my life has led me here. Mother Father, an identity that I created for myself to navigate this realm. Mother Father is about embodying my spiritual experience while embracing my physical one as well. It’s understood that the teacher is also the student, that the righteous can also be wrongful, Mother Father means to allow yourself to exist in the fullness of your entire being.
A short Poem entitled “Mother Father” written by Ma’at Kareema
It’s Divine
It’s dark and it’s light
Celestial, mystical, spiritual, and Godly
It’s complete balance
Duality and wholeness
It’s oneness
It’s all encompassing
It’s inside, its outside
It starts with you
It ends with you
It is you